Manage Your Crypto with Sarrafe VIP
Join Sarrafe’s VIP services and enjoy personalized, secure, and flexible crypto solutions. Plus, get access to Sarrafe VIP cards with exclusive benefits.
Crypto Confidence with Sarrafe Portfolios
Portfolio Management
You can entrust your assets to seasoned professionals who will tailor your portfolio according to your preferences and goals. You will also receive regular updates and strategic advice from our experts.
Advanced Security
You can safeguard your cryptocurrency legacy discreetly with multi-signature wallets, which require multiple approvals before any transaction. Our specialized team works with utmost confidentiality and protection of your digital assets.
Client-centric Ownership
You are the sole proprietor of your assets and have the exclusive authority to initiate withdrawals. Our spot trading only policy ensures genuine ownership of coins and eliminates exposure to futures contracts.
Flexible Liquidity
You can collaborate with your VIP Onboarding and Account Manager to design liquidity plans that suit your financial goals and market conditions. You can also access your assets swiftly without unnecessary delays for withdrawal or trading activities.
VIP Cards
You can explore the possibilities of Sarrafe VIP cards, which offer enhanced financial capabilities such as higher limits, lower fees, and exclusive rewards
Start your Journey to VIP
Status with Sarrafe VIP Services
What are required to get
Sarrafe VIP Services
To join Sarrafe's VIP program, start by creating an account on and engage with Sarrafe by contacting vip for a personalized onboarding. Minimum funding requirements vary based on VIP packages but the journey starts with a minimum funding of $50,000.